Ebook Wayne Thiebaud Kenneth Baker Nicholas Fox Weber Karen Wilkin John Yau Wayne Thiebaud Books

The most comprehensive and deluxe monograph on Wayne Thiebaud, a celebrated and active American artist, spanning the length of his career, from the mid-1950s to the present. Wayne Thiebaud is one of the world’s most popular and respected painters. Born in 1920, he has lived for most of his life in Sacramento, with much of his youth spent in Long Beach; Southern California, in particular Laguna Beach, remains an area of great sentimentality. For this book he has selected the works himself, an act of autobiography in a sense. At age 94, he looked back over his life and his work, rich with breakthroughs in painting and masterful individuality.
This deluxe volume, with more than 200 illustrations, covers Thiebaud’s career as a painter and draftsman from 1959 to 2014. It features many of the still lifes of pies, cakes, desserts, candies, and other objects—lusciously painted, brightly colored, perfectly composed, and gently comic—for which he is best known. Such works brought national recognition in 1962 with a seminal exhibition at the Allan Stone Gallery in New York, attracting rave reviews and, to the discomfort of the artist himself, leading critics to see him as part of the Pop Art movement. The other artistic genres that he cultivated most avidly since then are landscape and cityscape, with special interests in the Sacramento River valley and San Francisco. New essays by a wide range of writers give a fresh perspective on his life and work.
Ebook Wayne Thiebaud Kenneth Baker Nicholas Fox Weber Karen Wilkin John Yau Wayne Thiebaud Books
"I love Wayne Thiebaud; I have most of the major monographs. The issue I have with this book is that the colors are off from the actual paintings. I feel it may be a quality control issue as the paper feels cheap to me, thus the reproductions were hampered. It aims to be comprehensive but because of the poor quality I suggest not purchasing it."
Product details

Tags : Wayne Thiebaud (9780847846160) Kenneth Baker, Nicholas Fox Weber, Karen Wilkin, John Yau, Wayne Thiebaud Books,Kenneth Baker, Nicholas Fox Weber, Karen Wilkin, John Yau, Wayne Thiebaud,Wayne Thiebaud,Rizzoli,0847846164,American - General,ART / American / General,ART / History / Contemporary (1945-),ART / Individual Artists / General,ART / Individual Artists / Monographs,ART / Techniques / Painting,Art,Art Art Instruction,Art design styles from c 1960,Art/History - Contemporary (1945- ),Art/Techniques - Painting,GENERAL,General Adult,History - General,INDIVIDUAL PAINTERS - CONTEMPORARY,Individual Artists - General,Non-Fiction,Techniques - Painting,United States,art;art history;painting;art books;artists;how to;art book;artwork;biography;music;photography;biographies;impressionism;england;essays;renaissance;architecture;victorian;historical;beatles;european history;reference;opera;culture;nature;fashion;pop art;sculpture;classic;modernism;autobiography;metropolitan museum of art;design;arts;american history;creativity;cultural studies;french;modern art;animals;leonardo da vinci;tudors;drama;british history;illustration;gardening;philosophy;feminism,painting; art books; art book; biography; artists; art history; architecture; artist; fashion; photography; essays; modernism; biographies; arts; music; cultural studies; modern art; european history; criticism; historical; culture; creativity; art; how to; artwork; reference; aesthetics; renaissance; philosophy; museums; sculpture; oil painting; illustration; opera; design; art theory; fine art; impressionism; drawing; classic; 19th century; color; perspective; business; cultural history; beauty; england; portraits; drama; contemporary art,Individual Painters - Contemporary,Art,Art design styles from c 1960
Wayne Thiebaud Kenneth Baker Nicholas Fox Weber Karen Wilkin John Yau Wayne Thiebaud Books Reviews :
Wayne Thiebaud Kenneth Baker Nicholas Fox Weber Karen Wilkin John Yau Wayne Thiebaud Books Reviews
- My newest personal treasure! Delightful treats of color and light introduced by four essays that connect the reader to the language of paint, stimulate the reader's memories, and provide specifics about the artist and his work.
Awaken your imagination with what Karen Wilkin, Nicholas Fox Weber, John Yau, and Kenneth Baker have written in their essays and enjoy the plates.
I spent my youth in Long Beach, CA, and lived in the Sacramento Valley for more than thirty years. I graduated UC Davis in Art History.
The book resonates with me beyond words. - i always knew that this superb colorist was about more than slices of baked confections. the cover painting alone has engaged me for hours. highly recommended
- comprehensive Thiebaud. elegant book.
- Best Thiebaud book to date.
- Gorgeous book in a case. Fantastic color reproductions. I've only begun to read it, but it is fascinating. I'm so glad I invested in this huge, beautiful book about one of my artist heroes.
- Gorgeous reproductions.
- Gorgeous photographs of his work!
- I love Wayne Thiebaud; I have most of the major monographs. The issue I have with this book is that the colors are off from the actual paintings. I feel it may be a quality control issue as the paper feels cheap to me, thus the reproductions were hampered. It aims to be comprehensive but because of the poor quality I suggest not purchasing it.