Download PDF What Every BODY Is Saying An ExFBI Agent&rsquos Guide to SpeedReading People Audible Audio Edition Joe Navarro Marvin Karlins Paul Costanzo HarperAudio Books

By Bryan Richards on Sunday 12 May 2019

Download PDF What Every BODY Is Saying An ExFBI Agent&rsquos Guide to SpeedReading People Audible Audio Edition Joe Navarro Marvin Karlins Paul Costanzo HarperAudio Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 7 hours and 19 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher HarperAudio
  • Release Date January 19, 2012
  • Language English, English

What Every BODY Is Saying An ExFBI Agent&rsquos Guide to SpeedReading People Audible Audio Edition Joe Navarro Marvin Karlins Paul Costanzo HarperAudio Books Reviews

  • I'm going to preface this review with the fact that I have Aspergers; So there's a few social skills I have a natural difficulty with. For me these include things like reading body language, eye contact, determining if something is literal or figurative, etc.
    While I do understand body language, It doesn't always come naturally to me - I might miss seemingly obvious things like someone doing the "Come here" motion with their hand, Someone needing me to get something for them that's behind me and pointing at it (but without verbally saying it), etc. A book like this is incredibly valuable to me, since it shows me what the body language looks like and what it means or may mean. Since I don't always recognize these things, even moreso than most people - This book is worth it's weight in gold to me.
  • Beyond useful in all walks of life. The only warning I have for people, beware the literal power this book possesses. If you read it a section at a time and then look for that item, you will start to see how much people actually lie in general conversation.

    If you are a people watcher, this book will provide insight light years beyond what you think you understand.

    It also can help people who are a bit socially ackward with feeling comfortable around people they do not know.
  • Each of us, instinctively, look at the faces of people with which we converse. We also take a generalized wide field view of their body language. We decide friend or foe rather quickly, displeased or happy, the very general view of who we are encountering. We OBSERVE things like people rubbing their sweaty palms on their thighs or tapping their toes, or licking their lips, but those we just "see" without thinking about. After reading this book you will notice stuff like that and see if it applies, which means you are thinking which means you paid attention to the book. You will quickly identify every one of the "tells" in the book, in yourself and others, but now you will think about what you see.
  • 4.9 stars.

    A phenomenal book! I will now look at everybody in a different way, and try not to be creepy when I pay attention to their body language, haha.

    Seriously, though, this was fascinating. I originally read this book partly because I wanted more insight into writing the bodily gestures of my characters during dialogues, but of course, these tips are useful for my daily interactions with others too.

    One thing I realized for writing body language in fiction, is that even though we can see gestures in detail in real life, we may not necessarily describe these gestures with so much precision in our books one, because readers might not understand what it means or they might even misunderstand; two, when we interpret someone’s facial expression, we may jump to the emotion without consciously processing what physical gestures expressed that emotion. So we’ d think “her gaze turned wistful” rather than a detailed portrayal of her eyebrow, pupil, mouth, etc. movements.

    I really liked the general principle of spotting comfort versus discomfort behaviors, as this heuristic makes everything easier to understand. And I appreciate how honest Joe is in telling us that there is no sure-fire way to know if someone is lying or not. Real life is never that simple to figure out.

    The only reason why I took off 0.1 stars, was because I was led to believe by a certain paragraph in the book that we would see a chapter on people’s idiosyncratic, personal bodily gestures. So I was disappointed to find that I was mistaken.

    Still, this was a fabulous book! Highly recommended!
  • The impact this book has had a dramatic impact on the way I view human interactions. Before reading this book, I scarcely understood body language and non-verbal communication; now, thanks to this brilliant work by Joe Navarro and Marvin Karlins, I understand why some people seem more confident than others when they speak, how adopting different techniques can allow one to become more persuasive when speaking, what to look for when attempting to detect deception, etc. This book is more than a just a work of non-fiction it is a guide to help you understand how non-verbal communication effects human interactions. Thanks to this book, I've begun using some of the techniques the authors recommend to become more self-assured in communicating effectively and convincingly; this book as also given me the tools necessary to gauge what another person's thoughts are when I'm communicating with them, as a great deal of human interaction depends on understanding others through their body language. I will be referring back to this book many times in the future, as the wealth of knowledge that is explicated throughout this work is so valuable that it necessitates consistent review and contemplation. Plus, the book is written a way that makes it immediately accessible even to those who do little reading, so I won't have to worry about becoming confused by vague language when referring back to a specific page or technique. I loved reading this book, and I find myself continuously enjoying it whenever I refer back to it to help clarify any uncertainty I may have after interacting with another person. Whether you want to better understand what your significant other is thinking or feeling, what to do to come across as more friendly and inviting to strangers, or simply improve your non-verbal intelligence, this book will surely help you do all of that and more.
  • I bought this as a Christmas gift for my son who is feeding is newer interest in psychology and counseling. My wife and I started reading it before we wrapped it up for him and enjoyed it, though we only spent about a half an hour with it. The content reminded me of how the TV series "Lie to Me" might have started.
    The book is very straight forward, making it an easy read. The author doesn't waste any words and gives straight content without any fluff throughout. There are many black and white photos to supplement each section of the book's content. This would make a good read for anybody with an entry level curiosity for this subject matter.