» Download PDF Prioritize Fun A manifesto for those who want to enjoy life not endure it Priortize Fun Nanci Bergman 9781798237168 Books
Bryan Richards on Saturday, 25 May 2019
Download PDF Prioritize Fun A manifesto for those who want to enjoy life not endure it Priortize Fun Nanci Bergman 9781798237168 Books

Product details - Series Priortize Fun (Book 1)
- Paperback 156 pages
- Publisher Independently published (February 28, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1798237164

Prioritize Fun A manifesto for those who want to enjoy life not endure it Priortize Fun Nanci Bergman 9781798237168 Books Reviews
- Who couldn't use a little more fun in their lives? Nanci Bergman brings a kind of children's show host's energy to this book, and it fits well with her adult advice regarding making room for more fun in one's life. "Prioritize Fun" comes from a good place, has an optimistic outlook, and incorporates a conversational tone. It's also a quick read.
One of the fun things you can do as you read the book is try to guess, fail at times, and then eventually look up the many unique pop culture references (Along Came Polly?) Bergman uses. "The Man With a Poodle" game also sounds like a winner.
Bergman definitely comes across like she not only knows what she's talking about, but also that her understanding comes from experience. She's "prioritizing fun" in her own life.
If you don't feel like you're having enough fun, block off a couple of hours, pick up this book, and let Bergman advise you. - This is a breezy, readable book written in an informal style and essentially talks about priorities. However, the author touches upon much bigger topics and it left me wanting her to develop them. For instance, she compares the concept of fun to the concept of happiness. It is clear that happiness is a much more elusive and perhaps unattainable goal. Having fun is not. And if you substitute the "fun" for "happiness" in your pursuits, the execution should be clear and the satisfaction much more tangible. I think this is something worth exploring. Further, there is a corollary to pursuing "fun" which is an attitude of gamesmanship or "play" that you can take to all of your endeavors. I'd like to see that explained in depth as well. I'm at a point in my life where this book resonates but the tools I am currently using aren't helping me relieve stress, lighten the burden of work, nor are they creating more space for quality time with my family. The subtle change of pursuing "fun" versus pursuing happiness is really useful to me.
- Such a great read promoting the notion that as we mature we focus so much time on work and being caught up with our daily responsibilities that we don't spend enough or any time really seeking out the fun in life. The author argues that in doing so we will lead happier and more fulfilled lives. I really enjoyed this.
- I had forgot how much fun I was missing out on. Being self employed and all caught up in the daily grind I was loosing sight of having a life outside of the business. This book has reminded me life is to live and be FUN. Great read and I recommend it to everyone!!!
- An easy, FUN read by "Dr Nanci" that had me literally nodding my head "yes" and laughing out loud throughout. With her unique wit and thoughtful explanation of the intertwining relationship between FUN and happiness, I can see a TV series in her future!
Being retired from the business world I can truly relate to so much of what Ms Bergman is telling the reader. I worried way too much about people pleasing and clearly didn't say "no" enough during my career.
I've still got some good tread-life remaining, I pray, to purposefully do more intentional PRIORITIZING and have even more FUN than I'm having already. Thanks Dr Nanci for you prescription. - Who doesn't want to have more fun? Nanci provides a great guide to planning and implementing a plan to get more enjoyment out of life. Whether you are a young parent, experiencing a mid-life crisis in your late-forties, or nearing retirement, this book will make you re-evaluate how you spend time at wok, at home or with friends. It is a great quick read. Obviously, narrated from experience. The multiple movie references adds to its charm, and surprisingly, the multiple scientific studies makes it educational.
- A fun, lighthearted journey of a parent making time to thrive and not just survive though the day to day grind. I enjoyed the numerous 80's and 90's pop culture movie references, though I did have to think twice on a few. ;) Recommend for the parent with little ones at home that are looking to enjoy life to the fullest beyond what we all "have to do" each day.
- Good fun read.
Prioritize Fun was an enjoyable read putting life's little daily grinds into perspective. Why are we running around all the time without having a little more fun along the way? As some who works long hours it was great reminder to put the fun back into family life and cut loose a bit more.
There are tons of little giveaways in this book with some references to the 80s which I enjoyed.