Download PDF Conversational Marketing How the World Fastest Growing Companies Use Chatbots to Generate Leads 24/7/365 and How You Can Too David Cancel Dave Gerhardt 9781119541837 Books

By Bryan Richards on Friday 3 May 2019

Download PDF Conversational Marketing How the World Fastest Growing Companies Use Chatbots to Generate Leads 24/7/365 and How You Can Too David Cancel Dave Gerhardt 9781119541837 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 288 pages
  • Publisher Wiley; 1 edition (January 30, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1119541832

Conversational Marketing How the World Fastest Growing Companies Use Chatbots to Generate Leads 24/7/365 and How You Can Too David Cancel Dave Gerhardt 9781119541837 Books Reviews

  • The first chapter had some pretty interesting statistics-- $4.6 Billion is spent driving traffic to websites where the conversion is only 2.85% of the traffic converts. What an eye opening look at how we are selling our customers the wrong way.

    I'm halfway through and already completely changing the way I think about the way we use websites in the world today and how outdated lead forms are.
  • business books are not usually what i reach for, but i've been trying to turn over a new leaf. my mentor recommended this to me so i figured i'd give it a shot. was really impressed and makes me excited to be working in marketing. the whole argument for conversational marketing just made complete sense to me, makes me wonder why i hadn't really thought of it that way before. and the authors seem really smart and cool too, like the kind of guys you could grab a beer with. overall recommend it, and will be on the look out for more from these guys/their company Drift.
  • Drift has been leading the charge with a new way to get marketing done for anyone in the B2B space. This is basically the guidebook on how to start adding conversation into your marketing toolbox.

    I enjoyed how practical the book was - this wasn't a philosophical handwaving book - this was directly enabling to get up and tune our conversational marketing team.
  • I had no idea how sophisticated I could get with Conversational Marketing until I read Chapter 9 Filter out the Noise and Target Your Best Leads.

    In this chapter you review how to go from basic Welcome Messages to highly targeted messages depending on lots of things website visitor behavior, location, or behavioral segments. This chapter literally blew my mind.

    Don't feel like you need to read the entire book if you know the basics, but hone in on this chapter (page 123) if you want to take it to the next level.
  • absolutely loved how the book went over examples of how companies that adapted became the "winners" of the market while those that didn't eventually died out. conversational marketing is all over linkedin nowadays, and this is a great book to summarize exactly what this buzzword means.

    if you work in b2b this is a MUST-read, because the insights and examples provided are priceless! david cancel and dave gerhardt have done an incredible job with this book.
  • This book has already been so helpful for me in my day to day at a tech startup. It's really interesting to an inside look at the minds behind Drift and their technology. I particularly found the last section of the book "After the Sale" valuable. It's always good to continue the conversation with your customers and David Cancel and Dave Gerhardt layout great tips on how to keep that relationship conversational. Would definitely recommend this book to anyone in the B2B tech space!
  • Wow, great read. Eye opening. These guys get it. We're no longer living in a marketing world where incremental improvements to your conversion rate should be top of mind. Instead, Drift is pitching getting back to conversations between buyers and sellers, making buying easier and putting the customer first. And clearly it's working for them. Get this book!
  • I purchased Conversational Marketing because I use Drift on my website. I was really interested in learning more about Conversational Marketing to help me grow my business.

    What resonated the most was 'add real-time messaging to your website and start capturing more leads'. The book lays out step by step how to do this successfully for your business. After reading the book, I made some updates to how Drift was configured so I can help my potential customers and returning customers find the information they are looking for or talk with me directly about our products or their orders. These updates have led to more new customer purchases. The last thing a business owner wants is for a site visitor to leave their site with unanswered questions!

    As my business scales, I'm excited to put the rest of Drift's Conversational Marketing advice into practice!